Category: Hanga | Create

Characterisation of Storm Boy

I am Storm Boy who lives  with  my dad, Hide away Tom  in a humpy made from wooden walls and a tin roof.  I am called Storm Boy because I love being outside when it is crazy wild with wind and rain. My dad is a good dad and he and I like collecting cockles to eat. I have learned so much from our friend who is old and aboriginal, and his name is Fingerbone Bill. I know so much about where I live from him.

I am………………………………………………….Storm Boy

Our ki o rahi tournament

Yesteday after morning  tea  we  had a ki o rahi game . Room 6 and  room7  and room 8  altogether in our houses. After we  were finished changing  everyone was wearing Rimu,  kauri , Totara, Rata colours. Some were wearing black . After that we were ready for the ki o rahi tournament and  who ever  won will get a 100 fake dollar. Everyone could play too but some won and some lost and after that we were  finished playing all the games. We all went  under  the canopy and who was the winner?  It was kauri who won the  ki o rahi tournament. They gave the $100  fake money to the  kauri  team and they were happy and all  of  us were laughing because the money was fake. We all changed  back into our uniforms and went back to class and after that we all went home .

ANZAC Biscuit

Last Thursday we were having ANZAC biscuits because we had celebrated ANZAC Day on Monday at home. When I looked  at the ANZAC biscuit it looked crispy like a round piece of toast and hard like a brick and when I touched it it was rough and bumpy all over. Then when I ate it, it tasted  like coconut and vanilla. It was so amazing and it exploded  in my mouth and it smelled like ice cream and  tasted very  delicious and  yum. The women baked  the ANZAC biscuits in 1915 over one hundred years ago for their husbands and sons who were fighting far away. The ingredients are Butter and flour and golden syrup, baking soda and coconut. 

Our Parish and School’s 175th Jubilee


On Friday we celebrated our Jubilee of 175 years since we started. We were singing and praying in the church all the way to morning tea time. Father took us all to where the time capsule was and we watched them dig it up. Everyone was so hungry so the teacher said we could eat as soon as we got back to class.

And after that we had tabloid sports which were fun because we were in teams and went from teacher to teacher. I liked Ms Kyle’s game and Mr Bell’s when the big kids go and help the little ones hit  the ball  and the Big kids Run far to the line.

When the bell rang we had to move on to a another game. When  we all were finished playing the teachers said we were going to  have ice blocks and the big kids gave them to us and most of us said thank you. After lunch we did fun activities in class and then went home.

Learning about using the touch pad

This morning  Mrs Grant came to Room 6  and taught us about new things about cybersmart and she showed all of us   on the board first. After  that I picked one of  the chromebook Tips and also Mrs Grant showed me how to use the touch pad by holding the pad down with your left hand and then move your right hand  across to move the puzzle pieces. I fixed the cake puzzle.

Kia ora! My name is Kamela,

Kia ora! My name is Kamela, I go to Saint Patrick’s School. I am in Year 5 and my teacher is Mrs Agnewr. My favourite subject is Reading and maths and I enjoy learning about Jesus and  the ocean.  I am good at Netball  .  My goal for this year is to help others to read. In my spare time I like to hang out with my mum.I go to Saint Patrick’s School. I am in Year 5 and my teacher is Mrs Agnewr. My favourite subject is Reading and maths and I enjoy learning about Jesus and  the ocean.  I am good at Netball  .  My goal for this year is to help others to read. In my spare time I like to hang out with my mum.